04/15/2000 ================================================================ Title : Antimony Crash Filename : antimony.bsp Author : Tom 7 E-mail : twm (at) andrew.cmu.edu Description : Quake III: Arena deathmatch level ================================================================ * Play Information * - From the main menu select Single player then Skirmish. The map should appear somewhere on the list, usually at the end. - Alternately, start a multiplayer game with the parameters you want, and then open the console and type \map antimony * Description * Game type : Free For All Player load : 2 - 8 Compile time : ~30 minutes (+ 5 AAS) on PII400/256mb Respawn spots : 7? New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Bot support : Yes Known issues : Bots like to jump into the "wrong place" in an attempt to get the BFG. There's lots of Do Not Enter brushes around there, but they do it anyway. Most bots don't bother with it, so experiment. You can jump to get the BFG. Try jumping to one of the sides, as the platform extends a little more on the sides. You can jump back but it's a lot harder--try rocket jumping or walking up the cylinder supports and jumping. You can also plasma jump onto most of the medium-size boxes, if you want. I've clipped-off most of the sneaky rocket-jump sniping spots, but some are still available ;) * Author * Name : Tom 7 E-mail: twm (at) andrew.cmu.edu Home : http://spacebar.org/q3a/ * Credits * - Me. - ID Software. * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (2000) by Tom Murphy 7. All rights reserved. This package may only be distributed by means of electronic transfer, free of any charge to the recipient. You may modify this map as you like, provided it contains this same license (your changes copyright however you like) and credit to me. This package may not be distributed on any CD-ROM, nor be used on a commercial multi-player server without the prior, explicit written consent of Tom Murphy 7. Commercialism sucks! Thank you and enjoy, - Tom 7