Divide By Zero: Ten vehicles that depreciate the slowest (zoom)

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Ten vehicles that depreciate the slowest
[73659] by "Jaimee Rupax" (   on Fri 24 Apr 2015 05:40:40     reply ] [ top ]
The moment you drive that new car off the dealer's lot, it drops in value. You could turn around and sell that car the next day, or that afternoon and you wouldn't recoup all of your costs. All cars (with the exception of number one on this list) depreciate in value over time. Some cars hold onto their value better than others, however. Here's a look at the ten vehicles with the slowest depreciation rates.

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Source: autoblog.com/photos/cars-that-depreciate-the-slowest/?icid=autoblog|trend|cars-that-depreciate-slowest#image-1

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